The presentation of the company

The Remos Novo mesto, Ltd, company was founded in 1994. We belong among the leading providers of metal products, as well as services regarding the field of metallurgical products in Slovenia.

We are located in the Livada Industrial Zone in Novo mesto in our own warehouse and production facilities with modern technological equipment.

We offer to our customers custom solutions for small, as well as for big projects. Our work is based on activity planning, cost control, quality provision and on-time delivery of materials and finished products.  

We are fully aware that rapid response to change is of essential importance for a long-lasting partnership, based on our partners´ trust.

We provide our customers with a fast and complete range of products and services, which is taken care of by our highly qualified personnel. Beside the high quality products, our buyers are also provided with  complete technical support and service.

Our goal is to remain among the leading providers of metallurgical products in Slovenia, while also constantly expanding our sales network in foreign markets.  



Company location

Working hours:
  • Monday - Friday: 07:00 do 15:00
  • Saturday and Sunday: closed

Company business card

Company name Remos Novo mesto, Ltd
Address Livada 21, 8000 Novo mesto
Tax number SI14248107
Company indentification number 5830109000
Bank account

IBAN SI56 0400 0027 9009 771 (OTP banka d.d.)
IBAN SI56 0297 0001 3991 833 (NLB d.d.) 
IBAN SI56 2900 0005 0909 240 (UNICREDIT BANKA SLOVENIJA d.d.)




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